not try leasing?
Grill Cabin are able to offer finance packages to customers via their close relationship with Leasing Programmes Limited.
If you are looking to spread the cost of your purchase through finance with rates that reflect your business, we can create a package to meet your requirements. Leasing Programmes can provide a dedicated account manager, excellent customer services and a promise to keep in touch with you throughout the process.
the benefits
There is no capital outlay.
Leaves existing borrowing lines intact.
Finance helps cash flow forecasting.
Upgrade options available.
Finance is inflation proof.
Finance can not be withdrawn – unlike an overdraft.
The interest rates are fixed for the life of the agreement.
Tax efficient.
Please find below some examples of the monthly payments we offer.
If you would like to know more about the finance options available, please contact Emily Gibson at Leasing Programmes Limited on 01823 663737 or visit www.leasingprogrammes.co.uk